04 Dec

Allyson Duke

Allyson Duke has been elected to serve as the Chair of the SC School Boards Insurance Trust.  The insurance trust was established in 1984 through a partnership between SCSBA and local school districts.  Mrs. Duke began her service on the Trust board in 2008.  In addition to her service on the Trust board, Mrs. Duke served as president of SCASBO and, in the spring of 2013, was awarded the Outstanding School Business Official award recognizing her as one of the top school business officials in South Carolina.  Mrs. Duke currently serves as the Chief Financial Officer for the Dorchester Two school district.

Steve Mann, Director of Insurance Services, states, “ Allyson is an excellent choice to serve as Chair. She has a thorough knowledge of risk management, school district operations, and is very well respected by colleagues across the State. I know she will be a strong advocate of SCSBIT, and her leadership will serve the Trust very well in the years to come.”
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