10 Dec

Congratulations to the 2014 inaugural class of South Carolina Certified School Business Officials (SC SBO).  SCASBO is very excited about officially launching the SC SBO Certification Program in 2013.  Successful graduates must be active members of SCASBO and must have been employed in the school finance arena for a minimum of 5 years.  In addition, all participants must complete four comprehensive courses that require a total of 40 hours of class time and receive a passing score on each section of the four part examination in order to become certified as a SC SBO.

The 28 graduates of the 2014 Inaugural class of the South Carolina Certified School Business Officials are:

Roni Scott Abbeville
Tray Traxler Aiken
Angela Grant Allendale
Amy Heard Anderson 5
Devon Furr Bamberg 1
Skye Strickland Calhoun
Allen Milburn Charleston
Lisa Cizler Charleston
Brock Heron Cherokee
Anna Stroud Chester
Brad Willard Chesterfield
Sharon Hubbard Chesterfield
Renee Jeffcoat Clarendon 1
Cathy Williams Clarendon 2
Tina Meunier Dorchester 2
Betsy DeVault Florence 4
Brenda Ferguson Georgetown
Renee McKenzie Georgetown
Lisa Thomas Laurens 55
Lindsay Price Lexington 1
Shatika Spearman McCormick
Steven Strother Orangeburg 5
Tasha Robinson SCPCSD
Missy Campbell Spartanburg 7
Kathy Culclasure Sumter
Angela Ramsey Sumter
Amy Cooper York 2
Jennifer White York 4


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